Night of Worship

Night of Worship January 15 | 7pm-8:15pm You're not only invited, you are wanted for our Night of Worship on Wednesday night, January 15, from 7pm-8:15pm as we come together to lift up praises through music to our great God! Childcare provided for birth-preschool

PSS Baby Bottle Coin Drive

PSS Baby Bottle Coin Drive January 19 - February 2 Each year we support Pregnancy Support Services as they help women in need of prenatal care! On January 19 - February 2, in the lobby pick up a baby bottle and bring it back filled with coins from around your house! Last year we raised over $2000! Let’s beat that ...

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting  January 20 - February 9 Join us for 21 Days of Prayer + Fasting beginning Monday, January 20th through Sunday, February 9th. During the next 21 days, take time each day to pray for the topic provided within the prayer guide handed out (and available online--coming soon!). We hope you join us as we ...

Real Women

Real Women invites all women 18 years old and up to attend its monthly gathering on the fourth Tuesday of each month at New Horizon Church! This evening is an opportunity for the ladies of NHC to connect, enjoy a (FREE!) meal together, engage in discipleship, and grow together spiritually and relationally. *Childcare for birth-5th grade will be provided. Please ...

Corporate Day of Prayer

As part of our 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, we’re setting aside a special time to come together in prayer as a church family. Mark your calendar for Saturday, February 1, from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, and meet us in the Sanctuary. Together, we’ll lift our voices in prayer for our community, our church, our nation, and our ...

Stepping Up (for Men)

STEPPING UP February 10-April 14 The world needs godly men-- men who will step up and courageously lead at home, the Church, workplaces, and in their communities. That’s the message of Stepping Up. In a world where too many men are shrinking back, Stepping Up gives men vision and tools to live godly, courageous lives. Join us Monday nights beginning ...

Child D

Do you have a child that you’d like to dedicate to the Lord? Child Dedications, or what we like to call “Child D” will take place on February 23rd during each service (9am & 10:45am), and a special class will be held for parents after the second service the week prior on Sunday, February 16th. Partnering with the church as ...

Real Women

Real Women invites all women 18 years old and up to attend its monthly gathering on the fourth Tuesday of each month at New Horizon Church! This evening is an opportunity for the ladies of NHC to connect, enjoy a (FREE!) meal together, engage in discipleship, and grow together spiritually and relationally. *Childcare for birth-5th grade will be provided. Please ...


2025 METAMORPHOSIS February 28-March 1 New Horizon Church We are excited for our upcoming 6th-12th Grade discipleship weekend, METAMORPHOSIS! Students will gather with youth groups from other churches for special sessions at the church, then hang out with their fellow Horizon Students from 12:30pm-6:30pm for meals, serving, and a whole lot of fun! We'll all gather back at the church ...


Real Men

Join us every third Tuesday for our Real Men gathering at New Horizon Church! This initiative is to equip the men of NHC to seek the Lord, grow in discipleship through fellowship and teaching, and stand up as the men God has called them to be. All men ages 18 and up are invited to attend. A meal will be ...

Real Women

Real Women invites all women 18 years old and up to attend its monthly gathering on the fourth Tuesday of each month at New Horizon Church! This evening is an opportunity for the ladies of NHC to connect, enjoy a (FREE!) meal together, engage in discipleship, and grow together spiritually and relationally. *Childcare for birth-5th grade will be provided. Please ...