It's time to GO!
Will You run this race with us?
We know that the Christian life is certainly a marathon. It’s hard work and perseverance, but God’s grace meets us in the daily surrender. The race becomes all the more exciting when we run together!
What is happening?
God is doing an incredible work here at New Horizon Church. I know you’ve seen it - the new faces pouring in on Sundays, the hunger expressed by those around you, lives being changed, salvations and baptisms, and the number of kids increasing in each of our environments. Multiplication and transformation is happening and we are praising God for it!
So now what?
In response to this move of God, we have been in fervent prayer about the next steps He is calling us to– specifically the need for more biblical training, teaching, family ministries, counseling services, equipping of parents, community outreach and missions. As we have prayed, we believe that God is leading us in three very targeted areas: to be debt free, to pour into our Fight for the Family Initiative, and to fund local and global missions!

How much will it take to accomplish these goals?
$1.5 million dollars
by october 2025
To be debt free so we can set up our current and future leaders to lead with freedom and without the chains of debt, and to better pour into His people along with our local community and, ultimately, the world.
To equip parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to Fight for the Family in a culture that chooses to run from God and to raise up a generation that will run toward Him instead.
To go into all the world and support missions efforts that are spreading the Gospel locally and globally.
So why now?
God has truly blessed us in so many incredible ways as we continue to be bold and obedient. While COVID wreaked havoc on our nation and the world, our church continued to thrive and remained true to our mission of leading people to Jesus and teaching them how to follow Him. Our culture is in chaos and so many of our basic Christian beliefs and values are under attack. We have unapologetically preached the truth of the Gospel, motivated by love, shining a light into a darkness that has gripped our communities– a darkness filled with deception, loneliness, and despair. People are responding, and as a result, the Kingdom is growing! It is an exciting time, and we feel an urgent need to be about the work of the ministry even more so now than ever before.

Being free from debt will greatly, and more quickly, enable the church to devote more resources to broadening the impact of fulfilling its mission. We are ready to GO!
We're raising $1.5 million dollars over the next 2 years as part of the GO!
Project to lead more people to Jesus and teach them how to follow Him!
Be a part of this race
Digital Commitment Card
[non-cash gifts will be received at church's discretion]
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Want to know more? Check out our GO! Project booklet below!