
Join us for good friday at new horizon church!

When is it happening?

Our Good Friday Service will take place on Friday, April 18th 7pm.

If you'd like a more specific time until our Good Friday Service, you can reference our countdown clock below!

What exactly is going on?

Please join us for our Good Friday service on April 18 at 7pm, as we gather together to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This solemn and reverent service is an opportunity for us to gather intimately and reflect on the depth of Christ's love for us and the magnitude of His sacrifice
Horizon Kids environments will be open for infants through 5th grade to experience their own Good Friday service. Please note that children 5th grade and under will not be permitted to attend the service.
Doors will close promptly at 7:10pm, and no one will be admitted after that time, so we encourage you to arrive early to allow time for parking, kids check-in, and seating.
We look forward to gathering together as a community to prepare our hearts for Easter and to honor our Lord's sacrifice.

Invite Your Friends!

As Christ followers, we are committed to inviting others to hear the good news of the gospel.

This Easter, we encourage you to ask to make the extra step and reach out to a coworker, family member, or a friend. Offer to pray for them and invite them to church!

Getting started is as simple as picking up your phone.
Social media is a great way to share what we are doing for Easter, as well as invite your friends. Use the graphics below to invite your friends and family!

A text is a simple way to invite others to Good Friday. Send something like,

“Hi! What are you doing for Good Friday? Would you like to join us? We’ll be attending our church’s service at 7pm.  You can find all the service info at”

Where will this be located?

We're glad you asked! You can find us at

DURHAM, NC 27705

You can attend our Easter service online by clicking this link.

Don't forget to invite your friends, family, and anyone else that you think can benefit from the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. We can't wait to see you on Sunday, April 20th!