Giving away new + gently used toys to families in need
Triangle Toy Takeaway will welcome families from across the Triangle to shop for new + “like-new” toys for their kids of all ages for Christmas, and get this, it’s all FREE. On Saturday, November 16th, from 8am-2pm, the New Horizon Church auditorium will transform into a Christmas Shoppe filled with toys, and members of the community are welcome to attend!
We do not require shoppers to qualify or prove status of need. We trust that you could use a little extra help this season to provide gifts for your children, and we are thrilled to extend the love of Jesus to you and your family, as it is better to give than to receive.
Register to Shop Registration opens october 15th!
From 8am-1pm, only registered shoppers & their families may enter the Christmas Shop. Only one shopper per family should register, (Please do not register your children or other immediate family members). Walk-ins, (those who did not register,) are welcome from 1pm-2pm, (if supplies last).
Shopping times are scheduled in 30-minute increments, however, each shopper will have 25-minutes to shop once the floor opens.
Each registered shopper will be given a Triangle Toy Takeaway bag. Only one bag will be given per family.
Each shopper is allowed 10 points. Some items are 0 points (such as most stuffed animals and books), others could be 8 points (such as new bikes).
Shoppers will have the opportunity to get their gifts wrapped for free before they exit!
Triangle Toy Takeaway is in part funded by the generosity of New Horizon Church’s attendees who gave towards this event in our 2023 End of Year Offering, but we still need your toy donations to be able to help as many families as we can this Christmas season! Donate your new or gently used toys at:
New Horizon Church
100 Horizon Place
Durham, NC 27705
at the below times: